Sunday, January 21, 2007

Things to Do:

I've fostered my procrastination for this particular task for some time, despite it being requisite for the journal; making a weekly plan (weekly. . . !)
  • Photography
    • Print some more photos using the Mac suite at University
    • Find out if I can get access to the Manchester University print room (this will allow me to print up to A1 at high quality, currently I can only print up to A30
    • Transport my framed prints into University for my review in February
    • Enquire about showing those prints at the Link gallery
    • Restart my daily regime of taking photos of my face, bedroom, ash tray, kitchen, garden (I've let this slip recently, but the videos would be excellent for VJ purposes)
  • VJ
    • Continue refining library and further develop my understanding of the software that I'm using (OpenTZT;
    • Animate my Romanian doll
    • Create some more digital psychedelic backdrops for overlaying natural images on top of
    • Look at animating my motorway time-lapse images for VJing
    • Prepare my time-lapse videos for review in February
    • Set up my web cam for recording time-lapse again (I would like to position it looking at the street, but I need to purchase a longer cable and set up a mount!)
    • Put together comprehensive plan of what I need to do to prepare my VJ 'set' for my review
  • Time
    • Compile a display of time-based photographs and video pieces
    • Look at different presentations of my 'Time' material
  • Music
    • Complete "Diamond Apologies" track (should only require some more vocals and maybe a high synthesiser line, could consider recording Bouzouki but it may make it too busy)
    • Revisit other recently recorded tracks (Lifeline & other forays into electronic based music) and look at adding more acoustic elements
    • Put together live set of "finished" material ready to show to Leo
    • Supply Fred Baker ( with recordings for his professional adjudication & input
    • Buy new guitar strings (again!) - Martin, extra light seem to do the trick
    • Book the sound suite at University for mixing down of my tracks using the monitoring system
  • Other Things
    • Sort out passport!!!!
    • Write to Granny and send some photographs
    • Identify something good to review (maybe write a review of the Joe Columbo exhibition at Manchester Art Gallery?)
    • Print photographs taken at the weekend
    • Have a go at making a video for a newly recorded track
    • Decide upon some good music for my VJ demonstration
    • See if Paddy still needs me for the Victoria Hall gig in Keighley
    • Send of release form & DVD to LocalPoint TV
    • Hassle more to see why I can't post anything to it & try to put new recordings up there
    • Ask people if I can do remixes for them
    • Canvass opinion of local shops for sellings my prints
Having written this it seems highly likely that not all of these will be done and will appear in a future to-do list!

Matt; taken at the weekend on another excursion to Chorlton Water Park. I can't deduce any particular message or meaning from it - but I like simply like the aesthetics of the image. I converted the original from colour to black and white and increased the contrast in the image to bring out his silhouette. I really like the detail that you can see in it, down to the curls in Matt's hair.